A BIG THANK YOU to our CTE teachers for arranging a site visit with Work Force Solutions, DACC, and the Be Proud Mobile Unit to be at HSHS! What a great way for students to experience a variety of trades!

Attention Truth or Consequences parents and guardians. Please join us February 15, 2024 at 6 PM at the High School Room 155 for a free Suicide Prevention training held by the New Mexico Department of Health. To RSVP or for questions contact Melani Armendariz at 575-894-8359.

Attention Truth or Consequences parents and guardians. Please join us February 15, 2024 at 6 PM at the High School Room 155 for a free Suicide Prevention training held by the New Mexico Department of Health. To RSVP or for questions contact Melani Armendariz at 575-894-8359.

The Work Session with the TCMSD School Board, scheduled for today at 1:00 in Santa Fe will not take place due to inclement weather. We will reschedule at a later date.

Mrs. Mancuso and the HSHS NHS group recently traveled to Washington, D.C. They were able to visit RHEA, an astrophysics start-up company in the science and technology industry. Students visited with Astrophysicists, while learning about their projects, and received useful tips for applying to college. Students also experienced a demonstration of how satellites use gravitational principles to stay in orbit.
A special thank you Dan Schatzman for his $10,000 donation and connecting our students to RHEA, Rotary Club for their $600 Donation, Sierra Del Rio Golf Course for their $500 donation, and to all others who participated in the multiple fundraisers to get our students to Washington D.C.!
TCMSD appreciates the incredible support of our community to our students.

Click on the link below to learn about the time sensitive information and legislative fact sheet regarding community schools. HSHS and Arrey Elementary School are both community schools in the Truth or Consequences Municipal School District. We are in our last year of funding. We are hopeful that this legislative session will end with a decision to continue funding community schools so that we can continue providing supports to students and families in our community.

It's that time of year! We are beginning to collect data for the 2024-2025 School Calendar. Please take a few minutes to provide feedback to the district to ensure that next year's calendar reflects the needs and wishes of all stakeholders.
To take the survey, you may scan the QR code or click on the link.

Free Smartphone with unlimited data with 10GB of hotspot data for anyone on government assistance. visit the link below to find out if you qualify.

Happy New Year! We hope everyone has had a restful break. We look forward to seeing students back in class this Thursday, January 4th. See you soon!

Season's Greetings


To the parents of all T or C students. Just a friendly reminder today is the last day of school before winter break. The students will return to class on January 4.

If you missed our December Mental Health Series, “Grief- The Healing Process After Loss” You can access it here: https://cookcenter.info/480krDC
Don’t miss our next session “Social Media: Protecting Your Child by Staying Aware and Involved” on January 25th at 6:30 pm, where we’ll discuss ways to protect your child while using technology, device awareness, and how to avoid being blindsided.
Register now: https://cookcenter.info/Jan25TCMS
Take advantage of our free resources and on-demand e-courses. You can also receive answers to your questions with the Ask A Therapist feature…check it out at ParentGuidance.org today!

Mental Health Series, Grief-The Healing Process after Loss. Dec 7, 2023, 6:30 PM. View image to register.

Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser

November 9 @ 6:30

If you missed last month's mental health night "Bullying- Stop the Cycle" you can watch here. REPLAY LINK: https://cookcenter.info/Oct12TCMSReplay

Parents, do you find yourself looking for ways to connect with your child more? Parent Coaching is a free resource that connects you with a parenting coach and content created by therapists, to help you navigate the ups and downs of parenting.
Click here to register for support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching

Reminder: Tonight from 5:30-6:30, The Truth or Consequences Municipal School District is having a special meeting to introduce the board candidates for the November 7th election. Each candidate will have an opportunity to introduce themselves and speak to their platform. Additionally, community members will have an opportunity to complete a form, adding their question(s) for the candidates.
This Q & A will be moderated by Merry Jo Fahl.

Please Join us today at Arrey Elementary School for our 3rd Annual Health and Resource Fair. There will be lots of free information and goodies. PTO will also be selling pastries and other items. Please remember to bring your ID to check in at the doors. TODAY, Friday September 15, 2023, from 8AM-12Noon. SEE HERE HERE!!!